All Bible Classes

Please note: Comments made in Bible classes may not represent the views held by the West End church.

Displaying 26 - 50 of 1897

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
12/29/24 The First Six Trumpets (Revelation 8-9) Erik Borlaug Revelation (2024-25) Sun AM Bible Study The_First_Six_Trumpets_Revelation_8-9.mp3
12/25/24 Receiving New Converts Erik Borlaug Evangelism (2025 Q1) Wed PM Bible Study Receiving_New_Converts.mp3
12/25/24 Genesis 6:1-9:17 Dylan Cunningham Genesis (Q1 2025) Wed PM Bible Study Genesis_6.1-9.17.mp3
12/22/24 Deborah & Barak (4:1-5:31) Finley, Leverette Breaking the Cycle - Judges (2024) Sun AM Bible Study Deborah__Barak_4.1-5.mp3
12/22/24 Protected in the Storm (Revelation 6-7) Erik Borlaug Revelation (2024-25) Bible Class (other) Protected_in_the_Storm_Revelation_6-7.mp3
12/18/24 Every Part Does Its Share Erik Borlaug Evangelism (2025 Q1) Wed PM Bible Study Every_Part_Does_Its_Share.mp3
12/18/24 Genesis 4:1-5:32 Dylan Cunningham Genesis (Q1 2025) Wed PM Bible Study Genesis_4.1-5.32.mp3
12/15/24 The Throne of God (Revelation 4-5) Erik Borlaug Revelation (2024-25) Bible Class (other) The_Throne_of_God_Revelation_4-5.mp3
12/15/24 Othniel, Ehud, & Shamgar Finley, Leverette Breaking the Cycle - Judges (2024) Sun AM Bible Study Othniel_Ehud__Shamgar.mp3
12/11/24 Four C's of Evangelism Erik Borlaug Evangelism (2025 Q1) Wed PM Bible Study Four_Cs_of_Evangelism.mp3
12/11/24 Genesis 2:4-3:24 Dylan Cunningham Genesis (Q1 2025) Wed PM Bible Study
12/08/24 Living Among Idols Finley, Leverette Breaking the Cycle - Judges (2024) Sun AM Bible Study Living_Among_Idols.mp3
12/08/24 Seven Calls to Conquer (Revelation 2-3) Erik Borlaug Revelation (2024-25) Bible Class (other) Seven_Calls_to_Conquer_Revelation_2-3.mp3
12/04/24 Genesis 1:1-2:3 Dylan Cunningham Genesis (Q1 2025) Wed PM Bible Study Genesis_-_Origins_and_History.mp3
12/04/24 Overview of Evangelism Erik Borlaug Evangelism (2025 Q1) Wed PM Bible Study Evangelism_-_Class_1.mp3
12/01/24 Past Success, Present Failure (1:1 - 2:5) Finley, Leverette Breaking the Cycle - Judges (2024) Sun AM Bible Study
12/01/24 Jesus Among His Churches (Revelation 1:1-20 Erik Borlaug Revelation (2024-25) Bible Class (other) Jesus_Among_His_Churches_Revelation_1_1-20.mp3
11/27/24 Acts - Class 13 Dylan Cunningham Acts (2024) Wed PM Bible Study Acts_-_Class_13.mp3
11/27/24 Aim for Restoration (2 Corinthians 13:1-14) Erik Borlaug 2 Corinthians (2024) Bible Class (other) Aim_for_Restoration_2_Corinthians_13_1-14.mp3
11/24/24 Exodus - Class 14 Travis Renfrow Exodus (2024) Sun AM Bible Study Exodus_-_Class_14.mp3
11/24/24 Enduring Faith & Kingship (Psalms 71-72) Erik Borlaug Psalms (2024) Bible Class (other) Enduring_Faith_and_Kingship_Psalms_71-72.mp3
11/20/24 Acts - Class 12 Dylan Cunningham Acts (2024) Wed PM Bible Study Acts_-_Class_12.mp3
11/20/24 Thorn in the Flesh (2 Corinthians 12:1-21) Clint Laird 2 Corinthians (2024) Bible Class (other) Thorn_in_the_Flesh_2_Corinthians_12_1-21.mp3
11/17/24 Exodus - Class 13 Travis Renfrow Exodus (2024) Sun AM Bible Study Exodus_-_Class_13.mp3
11/17/24 Psalms 69-70 Spencer Cook Psalms (2024) Bible Class (other) Psalms_69-70.mp3

Displaying 26 - 50 of 1897

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