All Bible Classes

Please note: Comments made in Bible classes may not represent the views held by the West End church.

Displaying 76 - 100 of 1897

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/02/24 2 Corinthians 4 Garry Hammer 2 Corinthians (2024) Bible Class (other) 2_Corinthians_4.mp3
09/29/24 Exodus - Class 6 Travis Renfrow Exodus (2024) Bible Class (other) Exodus_Class_6.mp3
09/29/24 Psalms 50-52 Matt Finley Psalms (2024) Bible Class (other) Psalms_50-52.mp3
09/25/24 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 John Vogeler 2 Corinthians (2024) Bible Class (other) 2_Corinthians_3.mp3
09/25/24 Acts - Class 4 Dylan Cunningham Acts (2024) Bible Class (other) Acts_Class_4.mp3
09/22/24 God Rules From Zion (Psalm 47-49) Erik Borlaug Psalms (2024) Bible Class (other) God_Rules_from_Zion_Psalm_47-49.mp3
09/22/24 Exodus - Class 5 Travis Renfrow Exodus (2024) Bible Class (other) Exodus_Class_5.mp3
09/18/24 Acts - Class 3 Dylan Cunningham Acts (2024) Bible Class (other) Acts_Class_3.mp3
09/15/24 Exodus - Class 4 Travis Renfrow Exodus (2024) Bible Class (other) Exodus_Class_4.mp3
09/15/24 Be Still (Psalms 45-46) Erik Borlaug Psalms (2024) Bible Class (other) Be_Still_Psalms_45-46.mp3
09/11/24 Acts - Class 2 Dylan Cunningham Acts (2024) Bible Class (other) Acts_Class_2.mp3
09/11/24 Living with Integrity (2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11) Erik Borlaug 2 Corinthians (2024) Bible Class (other) Living_with_Integrity_2_Corinthians_1.12-2.11.mp3
09/08/24 Facing National Crisis (Psalm 44) Erik Borlaug Psalms (2024) Bible Class (other) Facing_National_Crisis_Psalm_44.mp3
09/04/24 Acts - Class 1 Dylan Cunningham Acts (2024) Bible Class (other) Acts_Class_1.mp3
09/04/24 Comforting One Another (2 Cor. 1:1-11) Erik Borlaug 2 Corinthians (2024) Bible Class (other) Comforting_One_Another_2_Cor_1.1-11.mp3
09/01/24 Exodus - Class 2 Travis Renfrow Exodus (2024) Bible Class (other) Exodus_Class_2.mp3
09/01/24 Indwelling and Fulfilling Erik Borlaug The Holy Spirit (2024) Bible Class (other) Indwelling_and_Fulfilling.mp3
08/28/24 Final Judgment Erik Borlaug Foundations of Faith (2024) Bible Class (other) Final_Judgment.mp3
08/28/24 1 and 2 Peter (2 Peter 3/Class Conclusion) Joey Elms, Clint Laird 1&2 Peter Bible Class (other) 1_and_2_Peter_2_Peter_3-Class_Conclusion.mp3
08/18/24 Exodus - Class 1 Travis Renfrow N/A Bible Class (other) Exodus_Class_1.mp3
08/14/24 Fellowship Travis Renfrow Foundations of Faith (2024) Bible Class (other) Foundations_-_Fellowship.mp3
08/14/24 1 & 2 Peter (2 Peter 1-2) Joey Elms, Clint Laird 1&2 Peter Bible Class (other) 1_and_2_Peter_2_Peter_1-2.mp3
08/11/24 The Holy Spirit - Cessation of Miracles Erik Borlaug The Holy Spirit (2024) Bible Class (other) The_Holy_Spirit_-_Cessation_of_Miracles.mp3
08/07/24 1 and 2 Peter (2 Peter 1:1-11) Joey Elms, Clint Laird 1&2 Peter Bible Class (other) 1_and_2_Peter_2_Peter_1.1-11.mp3
08/04/24 The "Spirit" in 1 Corinthians 12-14 Erik Borlaug The Holy Spirit (2024) Bible Class (other) The_Spirit_in_1_Corinthians_12-14.mp3

Displaying 76 - 100 of 1897

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