



Do you enjoy peace of mind?

Learning Peace in Pediatrics by Matt Finley

Sunday, May 31, 2015


“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard you hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” – Philippians 4:7 


For the past few weeks, my Physician Assistant training has placed me in Pediatrics.  It has been a rewarding experience learning about kids and how to effectively treat their illnesses.  There are three simple truths I have learned 


1) Never take a kid from their mother’s arms in the examination room if you want to check their ears for an ear infection. 

2) There is nothing more peaceful than entering a Labor and Delivery nursery and seeing five swaddled, newborns sleeping. 

3) The mother’s role in nurturing and raising children is foundational to their growth, development, and peace. 


This intimate relationship between the mother and the child is evident upon delivery of the child into the world.  As the umbilical cord is cut, which has sustained the newborn’s life for 40+ weeks, the child takes his first breath by himself without any help from the mother.  Whisking the child away into the arms of the Pediatrician, the child begins to breathe on their own, screaming and turning red due to the trauma of entering into the world.  After the examination by the Pediatrician, the child is swaddled, returned to the mother, and something fascinating occurs: the child is calmed and peace returns just by being in the arms and hearing the consolations of the mother.  This unique relationship is quickly understood and will be evident throughout the child’s life.  Whether it be feeding, changing poopy diapers, or consoling a child after a bicycle wreck, the mother is the primary source of peace.  How do we return to this type of peace? 


Trusting in the Lord leads to perfect peace.  “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.” – Isaiah 26:3-4.  Trust is closely related to peace.  If you have complete trust that the parachute will open, then you will have peace (and terror) and jump out of the airplane, knowing that the parachute will engage.  Trusting in the “everlasting rock”, which is God, leads to perfect peace. 


Our Father is the only one who can provide this peace.  This unique relationship, where perfect peace resides, a peace that surpasses any comprehension, continues on with our Father, through His Son, Jesus Christ.  It will protect us, sustain us, and guard us from all cares that this broken world throws at us.  Apart from Christ there is no real peace.  You may think that you have peace through financial stability or family success, but these will fade and do not surpass understanding like the peace of God (Phil. 4:7).  Our relationship with God, through Christ brings us to peace. 


We must have a relationship with God in order to have peace of mind. “For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.  For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.” – Psalm 84:10-11. Our God is not looking for perfection.  He is looking for those who can humbly come to Him, acknowledge their sins, and obey his commands by putting on Jesus through baptism (Romans 6:1-7).  He wants that intimate relationship that only He can provide; like a mother to a newborn.  Do you have this incredible peace of mind?  What can you change to have access to an indescribable peace?

Additional Resources
Learning Peace in Pediatrics- Bible Study Guide 
The Problem of Suffering- Sermon by Curtis Pope 
Till the Storm Passes By - Hymn from Annual Singing with Tim Stevens

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If you want to know more, contact us and let us help. Better yet, visit us. You will find a group of Christians intent on doing exactly what the bible says. No less and no more. You will find truth uncompromised.

A Youthful Perspective

Find Your Peace

By Makenzie Belcher

Peace to me is something we all need to strive to have. It may be hard, but it is very important. Sometimes our lives get so busy that it may feel like everything is so chaotic. Pretty much  the total opposite of peaceful. It may seem that everywhere we look, there is not an ounce of peace to be found. But really there is. Just take a look in your bible. That is where you can find your peace. There are tons of references to Peace in the bible. But one of my favorites is Philippians 4:7- "And the Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." This shows how important Peace really is and what it can do for you!

A form of Peace I have in my life is being home. When I'm with my family, I really am peaceful. I don't have anything to worry about. I am away from things of the world, and with people who love me for who I am, and want the best for me. It just makes me feel safe-and that is a major part of peace. When you have peace, you are stress free, and do not worry. You have a sense of security. One of the many great things in the bible is the description of what Heaven will be like, you can find this is in Revelation 21:11-27. Heaven is going to be so wonderful! Words cannot describe how amazing it will be. It's beyond human comprehension. "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will not exist any more - or mourning, or crying, or pain, for the former things have ceased to exist." Revelation 21:4 These verses give me Peace of Mind. To know that we will never have to go through painful things anymore when we get to Heaven, is wonderful! It's great to know that there is something else waiting for us after this life. It's not going to be completely over. God spent his time creating the best possible place for us to live eternally. We all have that to look forward to if we live our lives the right way.

Right now It is important to find our Peace. We really do need it. If you are constantly worrying all the time, and can't seem to find a peaceful place, read your bible, or talk to someone. I guarantee you will soon find it. Psalms 91:4 "He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you shall take refuge; his truth shall be your shield."

Seeking Peace Without God by Andrew Westphal

Sunday, May 24, 2015


In Isaiah 9:17 it says, “…everyone is godless…”

I'm writing about these three words because they put every one of us in the same boat – in need of God because we are imperfect.

Have you ever considered what it means to be god-less? The suffix less means, "without." If I say something is worthless, I am saying it is without worth. If you told yourself it would be harmless for you to spend some time with the elderly, you would be saying that spending time with the elderly would be "without harm" to you or them. 

Many of us are peaceless. We are without peace because we pursue peace in this world, but truly get what the world offers, nothing. This is God’s point in Isaiah 7 to king Ahaz of Judah. God said to the king, “Be careful, be quiet, do not fear, and do not let your heart be faint…” (Is. 7:4). God said that He would protect Judah if Ahaz trusted Him.

But Ahaz says, “I will not ask, and I will not put the Lord to the test” (Is. 7:12). Sadly, God wanted his trust. Instead, Ahaz sent word to the largest nation there was for help, Assyria. For this decision God determined Ahaz’s outcome was death – not peace. But the point is this: Who did Ahaz trust in? He trusted in something other than God!

Do you have peace? Many say yes for various reasons. But what would happen if this source of peace were taken away from you? If your father was your stronghold, what happens when he passes away?

I don't want a peace that comes without God. I've read too many stories in the Bible about what happens to those who live life without Him. I don't want to squeeze Him out of my schedule; I don't want Him to be an after-thought in everything I do and every plan I make. That only leads to cold, dark, lonely and fearful days which we know leads to death. There's no peace, happiness, security or refuge in that life. I don't want to be godless; I want to be full of God.

I want God to be always with me - in this life and not just the next. I want His conscience to pour into mine. I want to have, at minimum, a millionth-of-an-ounce of His wisdom to guide my way. I don't want to arrive in heaven one day and meet my Maker as if I’m meeting Him for the first time. I want to know Him as fully as I possibly can in this life.

Living without God is not living at all. It’s vain. Solomon was the wisest man to ever live. He spent many years searching for worth, fulfillment and peace in the things of this world. In the end, he reasoned that all is vanity without God.

Praise to God for His love for us that makes all this possible through His Son who died for this relationship.

What about you? Do you feel the need for peace? Consider these two verses: Phil. 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” And Rom. 5:1 “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

It is only through Jesus that we can have peace.  So I suppose the real question we should ask is this, do you have Jesus?

Additional Resources
Seeking Peace Without God- Bible Study Guide 
God's Concern for Us- Sermon by Curtis Pope 
Lamb of God - Hymn from Annual Singing with Tim Stevens

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If you want to know more, contact us and let us help. Better yet, visit us. You will find a group of Christians intent on doing exactly what the bible says. No less and no more. You will find truth uncompromised.

A Youthful Perspective

Peace Through Friendship

By Byron Wood

We all know that it’s that time of year where everyone is stressing over finals and trying to get into college, or making life decisions like who to date or getting your driver’s license. It’s during these times that we are looking for some way to relieve all of this stress.  We are able to find this relief through our relationship with God.   You might be thinking, “That’s good and all, but I can’t physically talk to God in this life.” While it is true God doesn’t speak directly to us anymore, a great source of peace He provides for me in my life is my Christian friends.  When I am with them, I don’t have to worry about being pressured to do something I don’t want to do.   

I really like Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, because to me, it shows the exact reason why we need to have good Christian friends.  When we do fall, they are there to help pick us up.  My best friend is a Christian, and she has helped me so many times when I have been tempted by the world or just need someone to talk to.  If I need a friend, I know she has the same goals as me or if I just need someone to have a little bible study.   I know she is always there for me and has my best interest in mind.   

Another way I find peace is by knowing God is always with me.  (Matthew 11:28-30; Deuteronomy 31:6) From these verses, we see that God will never leave us He will always be there when we need help.

Warring Magnets by Daniel Broyles

Sunday, May 17, 2015



As a child, did you ever try to get two magnets to stick together?  If so, then you remember that magnets will only stick together if you have them facing the right direction.  If you have the same sides facing each other, then it is impossible to get them to stick together.  They will always war with one other, no matter what.  On the other hand, as soon as you flip one magnet over, you get that satisfying “click”.  In fact, if at least one of the magnets is strong, it can become almost impossible to pull them apart. 

Have you ever felt like that in your own life?  There are times in our lives that seem like we are at war with ourselves.  It is like our hearts and the lives we actually live are the same sides of a magnet that will not go together, and no matter how we try, they will not click.  This becomes wearisome to the point that, sometimes, we feel like just giving up.  We know something is wrong, but we cannot figure it out.  Would it comfort you to know the apostle Paul felt that exact same frustration? In Romans 7:14-15, Paul wrote, “…For, I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.”

What are we missing?  Why can’t we get our life magnets to work?

It is because we are warring with the purpose for which we were created – obeying God.  In the Old Testament, Jacob took advantage of his brother, Esau, and traded him a bowl of soup for his inheritance, and later, stole his lifelong blessing.  It is no wonder that Esau hated him so much that he wanted to kill him!  Jacob feared Esau from that time forward and was sent away.  Later in Jacob’s life, God tells him to go to the land of Canaan where Esau resides.  We can read in Genesis 32 that Jacob is wrestling with himself on how to go about passing through Esau’s land and waivered in his confidence about this travel.  While alone, Jacob goes out and encounters a man, and they begin to wrestle (Genesis 32:24-32).  After striving with the man all night, Jacob is injured by a simple touch.  It is then revealed that Jacob had been wrestling with an angel of God.  Jacob was warring with the command God had given him because of his fear of his brother.  When he changed his will to align with God’s will, he was blessed by God, and his brother welcomed him with open arms.

In the New Testament, Paul recounts the story of when Jesus spoke to him.  Jesus said to Paul, “It is hard for you to kick against the goads,” (Acts 26:14).  A goad was used to encourage a stubborn ox to move in the right direction. The more an ox kicked the goad, the more painful it was for the ox. Jesus is teaching Paul the same lesson that Jacob learned in the Old Testament.   Fighting against God’s will is as difficult as it is pointless. As our Creator, He knows what we need and what we need to do to be fulfilled on this earth.

Trying to make God’s will change to bind with our will is like forcing warring magnets together; it will result in nothing but internal war.  However, just like the magnets, when we make the decision to align our will with God’s will, a bond is formed. We gain peace from this bond with God and become even stronger than we were before. Are you weary of warring against our Father? Are you tired of kicking against the goads? We can help you form that bond that brings peace and strength. Let us show you how.

Additional Resources
Warring Magnets  - Bible Study Guide 
Be Still - Sermon by Curtis Pope 
Nailed to the Cross - Hymn from Annual Singing with Tim Stevens

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If you want to know more, contact us and let us help. Better yet, visit us. You will find a group of Christians intent on doing exactly what the bible says. No less and no more. You will find truth uncompromised.

A Youthful Perspective

Spiritual Conflict Resolution

By Lindsey Embry


There are times in life when we feel like we are at war with ourselves.  In school there are days when it feels like I will never get it together. The homework will never be done on time, I’ll never choose a college, my room will always look like it was hit by a tornado. But there are bigger things to consider. My friends want to experiment with alcohol or drugs, or go to a dance. Should I participate in these things? How do I make these decisions?

The answer to all of these can be found in God. The Creator of this universe laid down some simple rules for us in His word, and life works best when we follow them. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your path.” When I focus my life on God and try to follow His word, life works better. That doesn’t always mean that everything goes perfectly. But through my faith in God I am able to remain peaceful and make decisions that can have positive, eternal effects.

Know God, Know Peace by Ryan Downey

Sunday, May 10, 2015


No God, No Peace. Know God, Know Peace. We live in a world where majorities choose no God and as a result they have no peace. Christianity is a fulltime position that we need to fully incorporate into our daily lives. I want to take you to two places briefly. The first place I want to take you to a world where kings ruled: This place is Jerusalem.  

Some people think in order to make change in the world you have to be a great leader. I want to introduce you to a woman who is not a high profile character, but one who chose to bear Gods word and deliver it to King Josiah. Her name is Huldah. In 2 Kings 22:14 she has been approached to help the king understand the book of the law that has been found in the temple. Why do you think that she was chosen? She had a reputation of knowing God and being at peace with Him. She was faithful in what God asked her to do. She was able to have peace of mind because she was right in her relationship to Him. As a prophet, she trusted hHm, she obeyed Him, and she let Him control her life.  

In Numbers 6:24-27 the Lord says he will bless you, keep you, his face will shine on you, and he will be gracious to you. He will lift up his countenance on you and give you peace. Huldah is an example of God showing favor to one who was dedicated to Him. Don’t you want that? Don’t you want to be loved by a God whose face shines on you? God offers his peace as a gift, available to you. The only thing keeping you from having these things is a heart that chooses to serve self rather than God. 

As we leave Jerusalem, we come to a place that we know all too well. It is not a physical place, but a state of mind: the state of sleepless nights and burden. That state comes about when we feel trapped by our past.  

In Genesis 4 we read of two brothers that both were worshiping God. Abel worshipped God in a way that was pleasing to God first and to him the second. Cain worshipped God in a way that was pleasing to Cain first and to God second. God rejected Cain’s sacrifice. Out of jealous anger Cain rose up and killed his brother for finding favor in God’s eyes. God said that Abel’s blood cried out to him, so God punished Cain for his sin. 

In verse 13 Cain says “My punishment is greater than I can bear” but he does nothing about it. He could have repented and been forgiven. Unfortunately, we do not read in the bible where Cain ever asked for forgiveness. For the rest of his life he never finds peace again. In verse 14 Cain is driven out the land as a fugitive and a vagabond on the earth.  

Gary Thomas, an author of Christian literature, said it best when he said, “’That’s just the way I am’ is a confession of sloth, not humility.” Cain gave up a life with God for an attitude that says, “That’s just the way that I am.” Don’t choose to be like Cain.  God has given you a gift through which you can find peace in your life; it’s called the present. God wants you to have peace of mind in Him. Let us show you how. 

Additional Resources
Know God, Know Peace - Bible Study Guide 
So Close - Sermon by Curtis Pope 
In His Time - Hymn from Annual Singing with Tim Stevens

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If you want to know more, contact us and let us help. Better yet, visit us. You will find a group of Christians intent on doing exactly what the bible says. No less and no more. You will find truth uncompromised.

A Youthful Perspective

My Life Has Purpose 

By Farley Wood 


There are plenty of teenagers who don't know peace. We constantly worry or stress about things that won't really matter in the long run. Like a great deal of others, I worry about getting good grades, performing well in sports, my relationship with my boyfriend, and even passing my driver’s test. Many end up turning to the wrong sources to find a false sense of peace. The way that I find peace during the struggles I go through in my life is in God. As Romans 8:6 says, “For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” If I can keep my mind focused on God, peace is within my reach.  


By knowing God and developing my relationship with Him I can look at my life and find peace in it. Because I know God and what He has said to me in His word, I know my life has purpose. He also tells us that He is always with us and will be there for us to turn to throughout the easy days as well as the hard times. It always comforts me to know that I can bring all my cares to Him. He says to us in Hebrews 13:5, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." And if knowing that doesn't give someone peace, I don't know what will.  



Trying to Outlive Mistakes by David Hehner

Sunday, May 03, 2015


What does it mean to have peace?  Most people think about peace in the physical sense.  The first thing I think about when it comes to the idea of peace is not being at war.  Without peace there are casualties, people get hurt and even die.  Only maniacs and lunatics want this.  Peace helps to preserve our physical lives.  So what about spiritual peace? 

Just as physical peace preserves our physical lives, having spiritual peace preserves our eternal lives. Jesus came into the world to bring spiritual peace to anyone who would obey His teachings.  This was predicted in Isaiah 9:6.  This verse says, “For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”  Having spiritual peace is knowing I’m fighting for God and not against Him.

Spiritual peace doesn’t mean we’re free of any and all conflicts. We are no longer fighting against God, but we are at war with the sin in the world.  Everywhere we turn we encounter different temptations to go against what Jesus came to this earth to teach us.  When I let my guard down, I'm robbed of my peace with God. I get wrapped up in everyday life. My thoughts aren't focused or worse yet, my thoughts are impure. I lose sight of what God has set before me.  We all need to be reminded of spiritual things every day in study, in meditation, in prayer and in fellowship with God’s people.

I remember when I didn’t have spiritual peace.  I was already a Christian but I was letting my friends influence me in ways that were against God’s teachings.  I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I still did it.  I was seeking acceptance from my friends at the time.  I remember literally thinking “I hope I don’t die tonight.”  It was a scary feeling.  I knew that I wouldn’t get to live with God in Heaven.  I have since made things right with God.  But how many people go through every day hoping they outlive their mistakes and have just enough time to seek forgiveness? That is torturous. It’s the exact opposite of the peace God wants us to have in our lives.

It is a much better feeling knowing I have spiritual peace than when I knew I didn’t.  The spiritual peace that we as Christians have, allows us to get through many trials other people struggle with.  We know that this world is temporary and that we are looking to the next life.  Hebrews 13:14 tells us, “For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come”.  If we truly have spiritual peace, people will see that we endure more patiently the trials that come our way. 

Ultimately, the only way to achieve spiritual peace is to learn what God wants and to do it.  He is patient and He doesn’t want anyone to be lost.  2 Peter 3:9 reads, “The Lord is not slow about His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance”.  We also read in Mark 16:16, “He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved, but we who has disbelieved shall be condemned”.  How about you?  Do you have spiritual peace?  Maybe you’re not sure.  Let us help you get to the point in your life where you can achieve spiritual peace.

Additional Resources
Trying to Outlive Mistakes - Bible Study Guide 
Therefore - Sermon by Curtis Pope 
Till the Storm Passes By - Hymn from Annual Singing with Tim Stevens

Did you enjoy this article? Please help us reach others. Share it using the social media links on the left side of the page. If you're not on social media, we also have a PDF version that is great to print or email.

If you want to know more, contact us and let us help. Better yet, visit us. You will find a group of Christians intent on doing exactly what the bible says. No less and no more. You will find truth uncompromised.

A Youthful Perspective

Wouldn’t You Rather Have Peace

By Jonathan Holden

Peace.  The word brings thoughts of being safe at home, nothing to worry about.  Not worried about what the next day will bring.  But there are two kinds of peace: Physical, which we all know and crave for in this world and what we usually think of when we think of peace, but there is also spiritual peace, peace with God, our Creator. Peace knowing that if we die, and we lived according to His will, we are granted eternal rest in His bosom.  John 16:33 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

While both kinds of peace are important, wouldn’t you rather have spiritual peace? Physical peace may protect our earthly bodies, but these bodies are not eternal like our soul is.  Having spiritual peace with God guarantees that our souls will not be lost away from our Father.  Which would you rather have?

I myself have struggled with having peace, spiritual and physical. Being the worrywart I am, I constantly stress over the little things, be it school, friends, or just time constraints, when I should just give all of my problems to God. Giving our problems to God not only shows we trust Him, but it prevents us from stressing on the things that we shouldn’t. Trust in God and seek his commandments.

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