Online Articles

Can I Be Happy?

         Sounds like a reasonable question, right? The founding fathers of this nation sought to insure for generations to come the "the right to the pursuit of happiness." While our nation does little to disrupt our pursuit of happiness, many folk and some who may be reading this article are unhappy. Why? Happiness as defined and used in the Bible, and the definition this writer is concerned with, is, "calm delight and inner peace that can only finds its source with our Creator, who wants nothing more for us."

         #1 Most People Look In The Wrong Place. The history of man and the testimony of her wisest men plainly teach and demonstrate that this world is unable to offer anything to "make" men happy.  Sure, there are many good blessings of God that make our pilgrimage here bearable and sometimes bring about temporary satisfaction. Jesus said, "Peace, I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world give, give I unto you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (Jo.14:27) Jesus teaches us that happiness' point of origin is not with this world, but with Him. This world and its storehouse do not possess the ability or retain the prerogative to offer what we need; peace that only comes by Jesus! Note, (Jn.15:11) These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full." If God designed enduring happiness to be a by-product of this world and its goods, He would be an unjust God! Why? Because this world’s goods are distributed unevenly and some by virtue of the "luck of the draw" could never possess happiness, while others would enjoy abundance. Would that be fair? God, who is no respecter of persons, makes happiness contingent upon the eternal, not the temporal.

          #2 Where Is It Found? Statements Jesus made like, “come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me :......"(Matt. 11:28)  clearly demonstrate that learning of Him, is the source. If we are unhappy, perhaps we should review our commitment to the words of Jesus. He further states, “If you know these things, happy are you if ye do them." (Jo.13:17 ) One can not overlook the connection between, "learning" "knowing" and "doing". The God of Heaven who designed man and sustains him, has only offered happiness, contentment, joy, etc. through His Son Jesus Christ. The pursuit of happiness anywhere else is futile. Solomon “had it all,” yet testified that the whole of man was to, "fear God and keep His commandments." The happiest a person can ever expect to be, is in the faithful service of Jesus Christ. God's sublime plan makes no provision for man's betterment without Jesus. “For without me, you can do nothing,” The empty, incomplete, unhappy feeling down deep in people, stems from an improper attitude towards being a sacrificial doer of Jesus’ will. The irony of the matter is that the wisdom of this world (Satan) teaches that happiness is the result of serving self, even at the expense of others, while the wisdom of God teaches us that joy is a by-product of denying yourself for the sake of others, just as Jesus our supreme example! An object’s worth is measured by what you are willing to give for it. If you are not a sacrificial doer of the Lord's will, you will be unhappy because you have not invested in “true riches.”

        #3 Sin Brings Unhappiness. Why do we struggle to grasp this truth? Even though sin brings pleasure for a season, its ultimate end is unhappiness for eternity. Whether they know it or not, many people are unhappy because of sin and its effect on their lives,. Some folks are ensnared by their own sin, while others are victims of another’s sin. All unhappiness has its root in sin.  Jesus faced the chilling wind of death, and retained joy. Was he "happy" with those circumstances He found himself in? No! In fact, Jesus was the victim of another’s sin, yours and mine. How could He be happy? He did not fear the eternal consequence of sin. Those who have yet to become Christians, and those Christians who refuse to stop sinful activities have everything to fear, and where there is fear, there is unhappiness. The guilt ridden sinner should heed their conscience while there is time, recognizing that their uneasy conscience is a foretaste of the restless torment awaiting them in eternity.

          Can I be happy? The answer is YES!, but only if we have an obedient faith which leads us to live a sacrificial life for Christ apart from sin. Think about it.